GROUP 6: The Bioraptors
Team Members: Alexander Aldazabal, Ireland Brown, Jose Cespedes, Cloé Groulx, Ethan Lasseigne, Jonathan Lau,
Michael Seaman
Abstract: Just as the early Earth-quaked with each step of a deathly raptors stomp, the BioRaptor shaking system shakes biological samples with precision and accuracy at the user’s command. With the simple switch of a button, the BioRaptor provides the controller with clear prompts on a display screen for command selections. All the user has to do is press a few buttons on a sleek black control panel associated with the desired shaking size from a range of up to 25 millimeters and a shaking pattern. The BioRaptor is capable of shaking linearly, orbitally, or in a figure eight (i.e., double orbital shaking), at speeds up to 350 rotations per minute, which is selected by the user by simply rotating a knob. The system provides a countdown leading up to the impressive BioRaptor shaking. Unlike a live predatorial raptor, the BioRaptor is equipped with limit switches that forces the system to turn off if shaking were to get out of hand. The system also includes a user controllable emergency stop button. When the BioRaptor is ready
to be used again for shaking, the computer is programmed to command the BioRaptor to return to a general starting position before any shaking can occur. Whereas archaeological descriptions of raptors include numerous complex bone shapes, the BioRaptor system is made of a minimal number of parts compared to the leading brand, which require little specialty manufacturing, and thus could be easily replaced by commercial off the shelf parts, all within a college student’s budget.
Group 6’s 90-Second Pitch:
Oral Design Presentation Zoom:
Date and time: Tuesday 12/9, 3:00pm-3:50pm
Archived Oral Design Presentation