
Congratulations Dr Traum

MERGE Lab Co-Investigator, Dr. Matthew J. Traum, was elected to the Executive Board of the American Society For Engineering Education (ASEE) Pre-College Engineering Education (PCEE) Division [] for a one-year term. Election results were announced at the PCEE Division Meeting… Read More

STEMTank Completion

Throughout June 2020, MERGE Co-Investigator Dr. Matthew J. Traum collaborated with the Educational Talent Search staff at Santa Fe College (SFC) to create and deliver STEMTank, an engineering design summer program for high school students from rural and disadvantaged areas… Read More

ASEE – Southeast Section Conference

The MERGE lab has returned from the American Society of Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference where we presented on the UF way of instructing mechanical engineering design and our implementation of PDM as an instructional tool.  We would like to… Read More