Fall 2022 EML4502 – Group 12 Presentation

Fall 2022 EML4502 – Group 12 Presentation

GROUP 12: tremors

Team Members: Nate Keyes, Lance Herlong, Caden Maston,Megan Davis, Jaren Palmasani, Giovanni Gorgatti, Katie Lara 

Abstract: Microbioreactors involve cell cultures that need to be shaken and aerated in various patterns and speeds using a shaker table. Tremors Shaker table is focused on making the most robust and affordable design. The manufacturing time and cost is reduced from the design consisting of mostly OTS parts. The design only requires 8 different custom parts, for which manufacturing can be completed in a single step. Even the CNC parts do not need to be machined on more than one side, additionally reducing costs. Included are components heat rated for high operating temperatures which the shaker table will have to endure. The assembly consists of a 4bar dynamic linkage system, stainless steel linear rails, optimization for an ODFI system, and highspeed sealed ball bearings to minimize friction. To control the motor movement, a homing sequence is initialized before movement patterns activate which ensures the desired patterns are being performed. Two NEMA 17 stepper motors power the shaker table, centralized about the 4bar linkage dynamic system to provide movement in any direction. Depending on the control parameters for the direction and speed of each motor, the circular orbitals, figure eights, and linear movements can all be completed. Between our design’s unique 4bar linkage actuation and use of OTS parts, our shaker table has a competitive advantage over currently available products. 

Group 12’s 90-Second Pitch:

Oral Design Presentation Zoom:


Date and timeTuesday 12/6, 10:40am- 11:30am

Archived Oral Design Presentation