Spring 2020 – Group 21 Presentation

Spring 2020 – Group 21 Presentation

Group 21: Patient Assisting Lift System (PALS)

Team Members
Jose Atencio, Ricardo Gonzales, Mary Hahn, Thomas Murphy, Hunter Sharpe, Brad Stanek, Mason Stricklan

The solution presented to the design problem utilizes a fully computer-controlled pneumatic
weight management system. A pneumatic linear actuator in a closed-loop feedback system
driven by a force sensor maintains a constant force offset on the patient. With the actuator
running at 150 psi, more than 700 lbs of lift can be applied while being able to cycle
approximately 6 inches every second. An electric winch is used to lift the patient from his or
her wheelchair while also acting as a safety feature should the patient fall. The force
generated by the linear actuator is imparted to the patient using an overhead nylon lift strap
attached to a carbon fiber sling bar with two attachment points whereby the harness for the
patient is secured. The nylon harness is adaptable to patients with a waist range between
81.0 and 122.0 cm, and provides support about the torso, underarms, and shoulders of the
patient for increased stability and comfort. All of these systems are neatly contained in a
mobile frame system light enough to be moved by a single physical trainer. The system
presented, therefore, is a significant contribution in the improvement of functional electrical
stimulation (FES) patient rehabilitation.

Poster Presentation Zoom (April 22 4-6 pm): https://ufl.zoom.us/j/91218103418
Design Presentation Zoom:  https://ufl.zoom.us/j/94985774470

Group 21 Poster