EML4501 Capstone senior Design Poster Presentations:
December 3rd, 2021; 6:00 – 8:00PM
The UF MAE Capstone Design class has been tasked to develop small scale modular tracking heliostat modules at low cost and then propose a geographic distribution scheme for these heliostats to generate 1 MW of concentrated solar power by concentrating sunlight to a single spot. The device must provide heat for a small–scale methane reforming reactor operating at 1000 °C, while eliminating shading effects, achieving high optical efficiencies, and decreasing overall cost below $100 per square meter. Further detail on the design expectations and 18 required design metrics can be found in the Fall 2021 EML4501 Customer Needs Statement.
For graders, click here to access the evaluation survey.
Click below to view each team’s abstract, 90-second pitch, and to access their Zoom meetings:
Group 1 – MIRLAR Members: Tomas Bertone, Sheelagh Dunn, Zeyuan Jin, Dana Kendall, Ryoma Molnar, Cameron Nann, Brooke Ohlsson
Group 2 – Sunflower Heliostat Members: Kaden Bauer, Adrianna DeBoer, Mark Itkin, Bridgette Ortiz, Joshua Owens, Jack Spillman, Kate Todd
Group 3 – ARX Thermal Members: Jose Cespedes, Benjamin Gartside, Jacklyn Griffis, Janna Iklaas, Samuel Roshaven, Eri Vishka, Kellen Wallace, Jaxton WIllman
Group 4 – The Accu-Stat Members: James Beard, Moises Castro, Jerome David, Hunter Enos, Natalie Lopez, Marvin Portillo, Briana Renda
Group 5 – Illumigator Members: Bryce Behm, Chris Boor, Daniel DeCario, Alfredo Delgado, Ethan Haddorff, Jacob McKishnie, Kiran Mital, Spencer Steinmetz
Group 6 – AZIM6 Heliostat Module Members: Anderson Brunsvold, Justin Forgas, Andrew Jaehne, Katelyn Neukam, Nicolas Porras, Cailey Porter, James Riggins, Samuel Stahl
Group 7 – HelioWAVE Members: Elijah Crain, Tyler Gernay, Courtney Gill, Steven Jenkins, Lane Ouzts, April Sebok, Jacob Wissinger
Group 8 – Dual-Wing Heliostat Members: Nathan Brett, Kateland Hutt, Karl Jusino-Ortiz, Trevor Perez, Joseph Rios, Samantha Scholl, Devon Yon
Group 9 – Heliosmart Module Members: Adrien Arias, Jarett Cox, Olivia Dodge, Zariq George, Cristian Hooker, Abraham Sheikh, Noelle Turner
Group 10 – Hel10s Solar Solutions Members: Joshua Brett, Daniel Drew, Jacob Jenkins, Wasif Kamal, Robert Principato, Justin Rietberg, Malone Stanley
Group 11 – Self Orienting Light Reflector (SOLR) Members: Jose Camacho, Kevin Cochran, Connor Duffy, Matthew Liffrig, Dante Marra, Connor Murray, Alden Zamorano
Group 12 – Makeup Mirror Heliostat Members: Gurgen Saakian, Maxwell Schreiber, Kent Snelson, Davis Whitfield
Group 13 – The Hive-Stat Members: Jake Anderer, Charles Datko, Kevin Diaz, Erika Joa, Joseph Miller, Akshay Ramakrishnan, Darianna Samson