EML4501 Capstone senior Design Poster Presentations:
July 29th, 2021; 11:00am-12:15pm
The UF MAE Capstone Design class has been tasked to develop small scale modular tracking heliostat modules at low cost and then propose a geographic distribution scheme for these heliostats to generate 1 MW of concentrated solar power by concentrating sunlight to a single spot. The device must provide heat for a small–scale methane reforming reactor operating at 1000 °C, while eliminating shading effects, achieving high optical efficiencies, and decreasing overall cost below $100 per square meter. Further detail on the design expectations and 18 required design metrics can be found in the Summer 2021 EML4501 Customer Needs Statement.
For graders, click here to access the evaluation survey.
Click below to view each team’s abstract, 90-second pitch, and to access their Zoom meetings:
Group 1 – Solar Pack Members: Mohammad Al-Shaboul, Natalie Broide, Antonella Cipriani, Evan Lynch, Samuel Paris, Moxa Raval, Jose Rivas Espinoza
Group 2 – The H.I.V.E. (Heliostats Improving Vegas Energy) Members: Aidan Amstutz, Tyson Calvert, Logan Laird, Pedro Mercano, Alexi Saliba, Kaitlin Smith, James Soto
Group 3 – Sunny Side Up Members: Damir Fayzulaev, William Zach Geiger, Colin Hall, Joshua Hornilla, Noah Needles, Shane Woll
Group 4 – TSAR (Tri-beam Solar Automated Reflector) Members: Connor Buch, Cristian Jacome, Matthew Maloney, Nathan McElwain, Inge Mueller, Rachel Robbins, Braydon Shepherd
Group 5 – Lagarto-Ray Members: Kathleen Anderson, Christina Brooks, Gabriel Guanche, Alexander Hong, Benjamin Lehmann, Matthew Petrick, James Sanchez
Group 6 – Sunflower Solar Members: Alexa Benezra, Luke Davis, Uchechukwu Ilodibe, Joseph Jarczynski, Minjae Kang, Mathilde Miroir, Gabriel Ocejo, Ilan Zarin